What is the meaning of spirituality for young people who have cancer?
Spirituality is a source of strength. But what is it meaning? For one, it means coming to rest, finding oneself and coming into contact with oneself. In this context, the term is understood more in an inner-worldly (immanent) way. For others, spirituality has more to do with faith, God, religious practices or a supernatural level (transcendent).
Spirituality is a completely normal part of life in many cultures. Prayers, rest, meditation or spiritual exercises are part of everyday life for many people. In the western world many people have lost touch with it. In difficult times, the need to find oneself again or to get in touch with the supernatural, nature or God can become very significant.
Even though we live in a very open society, spirituality has nowadays largely disappeared from public life and has become something purely personal, almost intimate. Therefore, it usually takes some courage to create free space for this and to follow an individual path.
The following article is intended to affirm the courage to find one's own ways of spirituality and, on the other hand, to create the free space for topics that are important to many people. No matter whether spirituality is rather the rest and search for oneself, the reference to God or a supernatural being or simply a source of strength - this article provides hints that proved to be helpful for those affected.