Legal Notice
Service provider within the meaning of the German Telemedia Services Act (TMG):
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie e. V.
represented by the Acting Chairman
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Hochhaus
Bauhofstr. 12
10117 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)30 27 87 60 89 – 0
Register of associations: Charlottenburg Local Court
Registry number 95 VR 25553 Nz
Tax No. 1127/027/37906
VAT ID No. DE263662397
Bank details of DGHO e. V.
Account number 138 232 754
Karlsruhe Post Office Bank, Sort Code BLZ 660 10075
IBAN DE33 6601 0075 0138 2327 54
Responsible for content (§55 Para 2 RStV):
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Hochhaus (Acting Chairman)
Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Baldus (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Bentz (Chairperson)
Dr. med. Carsten-Oliver Schulz (Chairperson)
Please take note:
The recommendations of DGHO for the diagnostics and therapy of haematological and oncological illnesses do not in any way absolve the responsible doctors of the duty to check the necessary diagnostics, indications, contra-indications and dosages on a case-by-case basis! The DGHO does not assume any warranty for the recommendations.
Events are pointed out for the purpose of information only.
Note on Liability:
The DGHO tries to ensure that the information provided via its website/s is correct and current. Nonetheless, errors cannot be entirely excluded. The DGHO e.V. therefore does not assume any warranty for the currency, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided on its website/s. The DGHO is not liable for material or immaterial damage directly or indirectly caused by use or non-use of the provisioned information or by the use of erroneous or incomplete information, unless it has been proved that it is guilty of wilfully intended or grossly negligent damage. The DGHO reserves the right to modify or to delete parts of the information on offer or the entire offer without any special notification.
Though it carefully monitors the contents of its website/s, the DGHO does not assume any liability for the contents of external links. Only the operator of the linked pages is responsible for their content.
All the contents of the web pages,, as well as all illustrations, images, graphics, tables, records are protected by copyright and may not be used, copied and/or disseminated – both in written as well as digital form – without DGHO's permission.
Liability for contents of external links is excluded.
Andreas Jung
Hundskapfklinge 33
72070 Tübingen
DGHO Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie e. V. is a non-profit (not-for-profit) organization